When one is placed with a skilled nursing facility (SNF), they are given several options of payment (cash, Medicare, Medicaid, cash via long-term care insurance). With the average SNF along the Panhandle of Florida charging approximately $10,000 per month, it is extremely important to understand each source of payment:
One can see why many people do not believe they qualify for Medicaid. However, what they do not realize is that some assets do not count towards those totals. For example, a person’s house (valued at less than $713,000) does not count. A person’s car, funeral plan, personal property, and certain retirement accounts do not count. Therefore, many people may be closer than they realize. The attorney’s role in this is to take a person who does NOT qualify and help them obtain Medicaid coverage. There are planning options available that can help a family obtain Medicaid even if they are already in the nursing home facility. We firmly believe it is never too late!
To learn more about navigating the Medicaid world,
request a consultation with our attorneys at 850-434-8500 in Pensacola, FL.
Phone: (850) 434-8500 | Address: 4317 Spanish Trail, Pensacola, FL 32504
Business Hours
(Closed 12:00 - 1:15 for lunch) – Monday - Thursday