The following has been taken from several recent article s and announcements sent to facilities th roughout the country. This summarized version hopefully will provide some understanding of wh at to expect w hen visiting. Plea se keep in mind facilities are bound by their license to follow these guidelines. Everyone is attempting to protect the residents and staff. Patience and understanding by all is going to be necessary.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is taking action to protect the health and safety of our nation’s patients and providers in the wake of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), seniors are at the greatest risk of serious illness due to COVID-19, which is why CMS is providing valuable information to providers who interact with patients in the hospice setting. To protect these vulnerable patients, CMS is amplifying its current health and safety requirements by delivering detailed guidance on the screening, treatment and transfer procedures healthcare workers must follow when interacting with patients to prevent the spread of COVID-19. CMS is also issuing additional guidance specific to nursing homes to help control and prevent the spread of the virus.
Limiting visitors and individuals: Expanded recommendations:
CMS is providing the following expanded guidance to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (in addition to the information above about restricting visitors).
•Restricting means the individual should not be allowed in the facility at all, until they no longer meet the criteria above.
•Limiting means the individual should not be allowed to come into the facility, except for certain situations, such as end-of-life situations or when a visitor is essential for the resident’s emotional well-being and care.
•Discouraging means that the facility allows normal visitation practices (except for those individuals meeting the restricted criteria), however the facility advises individuals to defer visitation until further notice (through signage, calls, etc.).
1. Limiting or Discouraging visitation:
a)Limiting: For facilities that are in counties, or counties adjacent to other counties where a COVID-19 case has occurred, we recommend limiting visitation (except in certain situations as indicated above). For example, a daughter who visits her mother every Monday, would cease these visits, and limit her visits to only those situations when her mom has a significant issue. Also, during the visit, the daughter would limit her contact with her mother and only meet with her in her room or a place the facility has specifically dedicated for visits.
b)Discouraging: For all other facilities (nationwide) not in those counties referenced above, we recommend discouraging visitation (except in certain situations). See below for methods to discourage visitation. Also see CDC guidance to “stay at home”
2. Affirmative action Facilities should take:
a)Increase visible signage at entrances/exist, offer temperature checks, increase availability to hand sanitizer, offer PPE for individuals entering the facility (if supply allows).
b)Also, provide instruction, before visitors enter the facility and residents’ rooms, on hand hygiene, limiting surfaces touched, and use of PPE according to current facility policy while in the resident’s room.
c)Individuals with fevers, other symptoms of COVID-19, or unable to demonstrate proper use of infection control techniques should be restricted from entry.
d)Signage should also include language to discourage visits, such as recommending visitors defer their visit for another time or for a certain situation as mentioned above.
3. In addition to the screening visitors for the criteria for restricting access (above), facilities should ask visitors if:
•they took any recent trips (within the last 14 days) on cruise ships or participated in other settings where crowds are confined to a common location.
•If so, facilities should suggest deferring their visit to a later date. If the visitor’s entry is necessary, they should use PPE while onsite.
•If the facility does not have PPE, the facility should restrict the individual’s visit, and ask them to come back at a later date (e.g., after a 14 days with no symptoms of COVID-19).
4. In cases when visitation is allowable, facilities should instruct visitors to limit their movement within the facility to the resident’s room (e.g., reduce walking the halls, avoid going to dining room, etc.)
5. Facilities should review and revise how they interact with volunteers, vendors and receiving supplies, agency staff, EMS personnel and equipment, transportation providers (e.g., when taking residents to offsite appointments, etc.), other practitioners (e.g., hospice workers, specialists, physical therapy, etc.), and take necessary actions to prevent any potential transmission. For example, do not have supply vendors transport supplies inside the facility.
Have them dropped off at a dedicated location (e.g., loading dock). Facilities can allow entry of these visitors as long as they are following the appropriate CDC guidelines for Transmission-Based Precautions. For example, hospice workers can enter a facility when using PPE properly.
6. In lieu of visits (either through limiting or discouraging), facilities can consider:
a)Offering alternative means of communication for people who would otherwise visit, such as virtual communications (phone, video-communication, etc.).
b)Creating/increasing listserv communication to update families, such as advising to not visit.
c)Assigning staff as primary contact to families for inbound calls, and conduct regular outbound calls to keep families up to date.
d)Offering a phone line with a voice recording updated at set times (e.g., daily) with the facility’s general operating status, such as when it is safe to resume visits.
7. When visitation is necessary or allowable, facilities should make efforts to allow for safe visitation for residents and loved ones. For example:
a)Suggest limiting physical contact with residents and others while in the facility. For example, practice social distances with no hand-shaking or hugging, and remaining six feet apart.
b)If possible (e.g., pending design of building), creating dedicated visiting areas (e.g., “clean rooms”) near the entrance to the facility where residents can meet with visitors in a sanitized environment. Facilities should disinfect rooms after each resident-visitor meeting.
c)Residents still have the right to access the Ombudsman program. If in-person access is allowable, use the guidance mentioned above. If in-person access is not available due to infection control concerns, facilities need to facilitate resident communication (by phone or other format) with the Ombudsman program or any other entity listed in 42 CFR § 483.10(f)(4)(i).
8. Visitor reporting:
a)Advise exposed visitors (e.g., contact with COVID-19 resident prior to admission) to monitor for signs and symptoms of respiratory infection for at least 14 days after last known exposure and if ill to self-isolate at home and contact their healthcare provider.
b)Advise visitors to report to the facility any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or acute illness within 14 days after visiting the facility.
For more information you may visit the following:
Phone: (850) 434-8500 | Address: 4317 Spanish Trail, Pensacola, FL 32504
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